

Canadian Rock Maple and 24ct Gold Plated Ballpoint Pen

CANADIAN ROCK MAPLE - Acer saccharum

Unlike most other hardwoods, the sapwood of Hard Maple is most commonly used rather than its heartwood. Sapwood color ranges from nearly white, to an off-white cream color, sometimes with a reddish or golden hue. The heartwood tends to be a darker reddish brown. Birds Eye Maple is a figure found most commonly in Hard Maple, though it’s also found less frequently in other species. Hard Maple can also be seen with curly or quilted grain patterns. Grain is generally straight, but may be wavy. Has a fine, even texture.

In tree form, Hard Maple is usually referred to as Sugar Maple, and is the tree most often tapped for maple syrup. Sugar Maple’s leaves are the shape that most people associate with maple leaves; they typically have either 5 or 7 lobes, with vivid autumn coloring ranging from yellow to purplish red.

Hard Maple ought to be considered the king of the Acer genus. Its wood is stronger, stiffer, harder, and denser than all of the other species of Maple in timber form.

Having left the River Weaver we made steady progress along the Bridgewater Canal. First port of call for a bit of turning was just outside the pretty village of Lymm. This pen was turned  on July 5th 2014 from a nice piece of Canadian Rock Maple I used just a few coats of boiled linseed oil and cyanoacrylate to finish this pen.

  1. Canadian Rock Maple and Gold Ballpoint Pen
  2. The towpath is popular with commuting cyclists between Lymm and Sale

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